Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Kiel was great! hahas i kinda miss the weather there now
15-24 degrees. Everything was nice there except the
transit from amsterdam to hamburg where we waited
for 15 hours, justin wong took us to the red light district
and we went into one of the shops, spend like 30 sin on food.
We used brand new zigelmayers there, the boats were perfect
unlike the XSPs we used in melbourne, had three 6 hours of
trng b4 the competition the second last day of trng was the best ,
15 knots and reaching back to shore with huge waves and also,
tt was the day we launched with new jibs and came back to
shore with old jibs cause of the pumping during down wind.

The competition was not bad just that its really scary sailing
with 150 other 420 boats, tts like optimist fleet. 4 days of
competition and we had 5 races our score was 10,14,1,4,14
and overall 18/151. On the way back to shore after the last
race we capsized upwind in 9 knots?. ask stine he knows best
abt how we capsized. We then helped the hobies and 2 420
pairs to pack the boat into the container.

Rest day- Woke up at 9 to help the 470s rig up and give 'em
support at the club. Terry and i then went shopping around.
So many nice things but everything was super expensive
i bought a few shirts and tts abt it after tt we went to town
and the girls went crazy at H n M, i think i spend 100 sin in
total on food, tts sick shit!.Kelvin drove stine and i back home
cos i ran out of money and dota's more fun compared to budget shopping.

The youth worlds pair stayed back for trng under craig,
day one was fun! hahas he asked us to do unlimited pumping
the wind was around 15 knots and the spinpole hook suddenly
broke when we started pumping like shite. So we sailed without a pole
and upwind, craig asked me to jerk the wire. i jerked once and the bridge
broke,oops hehe. When the wind got stronger around 22 knots the jib
shackle broke too and our burgee bend 45 degrees downward.
IT WAS PURE FUN!.. i was damn shacked when we return to shore
i think if we sailed longer, the boat will just sink.

day two, we did pacing and more of sail trimming

day three, we went to watch the 470s and 49ers sail hahas,
learnt quite a fair bit on starts and how they sail their race
according to the weather and wind-they're godlike in tt.

day four, we did 2 hours of hardcore trng out on the water
in 7-10 knots of breeze, did crossing, loads of wire2wire and
up down spin. i wanted to rip my wet suit after trng cos
i was sweating like a mad dog and it was damn hot!.

Ooh i nearly forgot, our boat name is gee gee, well its
suppose to be g g meaning good game sarah's boat is
monsters inc. pris is something toes- i cant rmb
and chun's is godspeed. And, the physio aka "tau pok
machine" tau poks us when he gives us a massage
scary uh but he's nice. Zhang jiao lian kenna "tau poked"
by the 8 420 sailors too yeps i think tts all,we played soccer
on the last day till 11pm, it was sick and fun shite man!
just gonna post some pics to end off. I love kiel and 160!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


No races today so we finished second overall, sarah and ting
won the championship. There's still kiel to go i must not let go.

Went out with the aussie today to sakae sushi with ting sarah
terry cc and michael the aust, had buffet hahas had loads of fun
trying to put wasabi into his ice-cream and failed. Dinner was
quite filling man then we walked to Esplanade from suntec
sarah and cc were talking pictures of the lolli pop hahs. It was
just so nice being there with 'em so peaceful and quiet everything
felt right o well good things sure seem to not last.

I've got rest day tomorrow so i guess i'll be sleeping in the whole
day, just took half a sleeping pill plus me already feeling tired
i guess i'll only wake up at 2 plus. Cheers'

Monday, June 05, 2006


Aiya i dont feel like blogging cos i'm super duper
tired. Went to the doctor just now, i waited outside
the clinic for my medicine and i cough till i nearly
vomit scary siah!. Called faris just now, brotherhood's
doing fine, they didnt burn anything and hurt anyone
. yet. They're enjoying the light breeze in Fremantle,
6-8 knots. Now, Aaron cant find supershake for me ahh
i is tulanz now i need milkshake!.

Tomorrow last day of racing
Friday last day in singapore
Sunday first time in Germany

" cheers dudes! life rocks( Val say one!)

Saturday, June 03, 2006


I'm burnt
I'm tired
I'm miss
I'm sick
I'm restless
I'm crazy.

ooh this is so random

Friday, June 02, 2006


Haha psycho rocked man got nationals tomorrow,
down with cough haven't been sleeping enough
lately slept for two hours yesterday six on wednesday
and three on tuesday. i'm gonna sleep at 0930. The perth
team left this morning i was there in the morning to have
breakfast with farisasha andrew and as expected louis
forgot to bring his life jacket gloves and booties. muahah

Leaving for Germany on the 17 to 28 of june , this june
holiday doesnt seem like holiday anymore. Gotta sleep
now tmro nationals, spin up!. I hope you arent freezing,
i'm listening to techno to sleep. -bad month